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Translating Across Legal Systems Part 2: Why Sources of Law Matter
Every language professional working between Common Law and Civil Law countries knows the broad brushstrokes differences between both legal traditions. They all know, for example, that Common Law is[…]
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Translating Across Legal Systems Part 1: Beyond the Basics
Every seasoned legal translator knows that understanding the differences between their source and target languages is the secret ingredient in the exceptional translation sauce. Experienced legal translators know what first,[…]
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Legal Translation and Plain Language Part 2: Demystifying Plain Language
I. A Little Recap Contrary to popular belief, literality is never the right choice in legal translation. While fidelity to source is indeed the guiding principle when translating all[…]
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Check out what we did for the International Bar Association
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Check out what we did for the Center for Legal and Social Studies
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Check out what we did for the World Bank and ACIJ
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Portfolio: Books We’ve Translated
● Guía electrónica para la participación ciudadana en los procesos de fiscalización, e-book, World Bank, translated by Paula Arturo, 2016.
● GFC Poverty Report, International Bar Association (IBA), including chapters by four Nobel Laureates, Amartya Sen, James Heckman, Muhammad Yunus and Joseph Stiglitz; English Edition by Neil Gold and Peter Maynard, Spanish Edition by Martin Bohmer, 2014.
● Regulating from Nowhere: Environmental Law and the Search for Objectivity, by Douglas A Kysar, Joseph M. Field ’55 Professor of Law, Yale Law School, Spanish Translation by Florencia Saulino, Spanish Edition by Paula Arturo, 2014.
● Open Government Partnership: Access to Information as a Right + Open Government as a Public Transparency Policy + Open Data as a Tool, Transparency International and Alianza Regional, 2013.
● “Take back the streets”: Repression and criminalization of protest around the world, ACLU and CELS, 2013.
● Making Justice: Further Discussions on the Prosecution of Crimes against Humanity in Argentina, CELS and ICTJ, 2012.
Portfolio: Academic Papers We’ve Translated
● Legal Academy According to Owen Fiss, by Roberto Saba, Dean, University of Palermo, 2014.
● Contract and Collaboration, by Daniel Markovits, Guido Calabresi Professor of Law at Yale Law School, 2014.
● Contract as Thing, by Arthur Leff, Professor of Law at Yale Law School, 2014.
● Human rights, international human rights and sovereign political authority. An outline of a model for understanding contemporary human rights, by Julio Montero, University of Buenos Aires, 2014.
● Microeconomics of sexual exploitation in trafficking of children and adolescents in the Peruvian Amazon: ethnography in Pucallpa river port, by Jaris Mujica School of Social Sciences at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2013.
● The Long Way in the Struggle for Accountability in Argentina Important accomplishments and remaining challenges, by Lorena Balardini, CELS, 2013.
● Consolidation of a non-contributory social security system in Argentina? Infant and Maternity Plan, Universal Child and Pregnancy Allowance for Social Security, by Pilar Arcidiácono, Gustavo Gamallo, Mora Straschnoy, University of Buenos Aires, 2012.
● Subsidized Speech, by Robert C. Post, Dean and Sol & Lillian Goldman Professor of Law at Yale Law School (in El Estado frente a la Libertad de expresión), 2011. Translated by Paula Arturo and Atilio Grimani.
● Recuperating First Amendment Doctrine, by Robert C. Post, Dean and Sol & Lillian Goldman Professor of Law, Yale Law School (in El Estado frente a la Libertad de expresión), 2011. Translated by Paula Arturo and Atilio Grimani.
Isaak Rubin in the Argentine Left: Thoughts on the Curious Place of Economics in the National Praxis of Historical Materialism, by Enrique Aschieri, University of Buenos Aires, 2011.